Who is NOT a good candidate for waxing?
Anyone who has used Accutane in the last year.
If you are undergoing cancer therapy such as chemotherapy or radiation.
If you have a chronic condition like lupus, AIDS, or any other disease that may compromise the skin barrier.
Getting waxed any place you’ve recently gotten Botox or Collagen injections in the last 7 days.
If you have medical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, circulatory disorders or hemophilia.
If you use any blood thinning medications.
If you are on antibiotics because of skin sensitivity you should discontinue 14 days prior to be waxed.
If you are nursing or pregnant.
If you have had a light chemical peel, dermabrasion, or any other resurfacing treatment you should wait at least 7 days or until you are done peeling. FAQs & AFTERCARE 14
If you have a sunburn. Sunburned, irritated or areas with open skin cannot be waxed.
What to avoid before waxing?
Please read, who is NOT a good candidate for waxing.
Avoid Retinol products for 72 hours.
Avoid using skin lightening creams.
Avoid sun exposure.
Avoid tanning beds 3-5 days before being waxed.
Avoiding caffeine for 5 hours before getting waxed will greatly reduce sensitivity.
Caffeine restricts the blood vessels so skin is not getting as much blood flow which increases sensitivity.
If possible, avoid scheduling your appointment just before or during your menstrual cycle. This only because we tend to be most sensitive during this time.
What should I do before a waxing treatment?
Two days before you wax, you can gently exfoliate to remove dead skin cells that surround the hair follicles. Exfoliating helps loosen existing ingrown hairs and improves your waxing results. DO NOT use any harsh scrubs or acids. You can take an Ibuprofen 1 hour before will aid in reducing sensitivity and inflammation. The area should be clean before waxing.
How long does the hair need to be?
Usually it’s recommended that the ideal length of the hair to be waxed should be approximately 1/4-½ an inch.
Should I trim the hairs?
If your hair is longer than 1 inch you may need trimming prior to waxing however, we do not recommend you do this yourself because you may cut the hair too short. No need to be embarrassed; I've seen it all and want to make sure that I am in charge of all of your hair removal needs to get you onto the right track safely and effectively.
What should and shouldn’t I do after a waxing treatment?
Avoid sun exposure.
Avoid excessive heat for at least 24-48 hours, this includes; sweating or working out, hot tubs and saunas.
Avoid tanning beds for at least 3 days.
Avoid wearing tight clothing on the area you were waxed.
Avoid creams with fragrance.
Keep the area clean DO NOT shave between waxing appointments. Waxing slows down and reduces hair growth. Hair also grows much thinner thus making it easier to remove and LESS painful when waxed. Shaving just one time in between will negate all that is gained from waxing and can further irritate follicles which can cause ingrown hair.
Avoid chlorinated pools.
What *is* a Brazilian wax?
A Brazilian wax removes ALL the pubic hair from the front of the pubic bone, around the external genitals, between the upper thighs, and around the anus. Depending on your preferences, you can choose to remove all hair in the area or leave a small strip of hair in the front.
How often should I get waxed?
Every 3 to 6 weeks. Regular waxing is essential. The skin will be less sensitive if waxing is done regularly. A consistent waxing schedule can get hairs on the same page and ultimately makes for smoother, longer-lasting hair removal. If clients are shaving in-between sessions, they are more prone to hair breakage, ingrown hairs, and acne after waxing—and getting their growth patterns out of sync again.